The test is aimed at students of English at CEFR levels A0 to B1.
It includes questions on :
- simple vocabulary (numbers, colours, days of the week, family, home, etc.)
- daily greetings and exchanges
- English pronunciation
- basic cultural knowledge
More specifically:
Vocabulary might include: the alphabet, numbers, colours, days of the week, months and seasons of the year, parts and times of the day, family, home, classroom objects, school, sport and leisure, daily activities, food, animals, clothes, places in a town. Adjectives relating to states and feelings, and physical descriptions of people and objects could also be tested.
Students will be expected to understand and be able to respond to everyday greetings and exchanges, to use polite expressions, to be able to give information about themselves and others, and to be able to ask others for this information (e.g. name, age, nationality). In later parts of the test, students may be asked about their abilities, likes and dislikes, possessions, daily routines, current activities, quantities and identifying where an object is physically located. To do this, they will need to know the present simple (with particular emphasis on to be), have got, can + infinitive, (don't) like/love + -ING, present continuous, WH questions and prepositions of place.
English pronunciation will also be covered in the test. Students will be asked to identify sounds (phonemes) by finding words or syllables that rhyme. This can be done by listening to a word or series of words, or by reading the written word(s). There will probably be no more than one or two questions of this type in the quiz.
The final area tested is cultural knowledge. It covers the United Kingdom and may include questions on geography, landmarks, important people from the present or the past (real or fictional), food and national celebrations.
This list is not exhaustive; it is intended to give an indication of the types of subjects that might be present in the test.