Here are the steps to follow to organise the contest in your school :

  1. Appoint a coordinator within your school, who will be your contact person. The coordinator will be responsible for communication within the school (informing students, parents and colleagues), registration, transferring registration fees, running the event and receiving the prizes.
  2. Choose the format you prefer (Flexible or Online), or a split between the two formats.
  3. Register your students online (simply indicate the number of students per level).
  4. Send us the corresponding payment (the information will be provided in the registration confirmation sent to you).
  5. Suggest that your students prepare for the test by practising on The Big Challenge PLAY and by consulting the annals. 
  6. Before the contest :
    1. For the Flexible format :
      1. Generate your students' answer grids and print or project the contest questions.
      2. Organise The Big Challenge day(s): prepare the rooms for the event and make sure that all the teachers involved are informed of what is going on.
    2. For the Online format :
      1. Please read the instructions for accessing the contest website, which will be sent to you a few days before the test.
      2. Define a schedule of test sessions on the dates page available for the test. You can organise as many sessions as you like, and it is not necessary to send us your schedule.
      3. (They must have a device - computer, smartphone, tablet - connected to the Internet, they must be able to play audio files, possibly with headphones, and the competition page must be accessible in the school - some schools have restrictions and firewalls, so you need to make sure that the competition page is accessible on each of your students' devices).
  7. After the contest :
    1. For the Flexible format : scan and upload your students' answer grids to your teacher account.
    2. For the Online format : check your students' provisional results in your teacher account. If a student has had a technical problem, report it in your account and have them resit.
  8. For the award ceremony :
    1. As soon as they have been calculated, we will email you your students' results and rankings. They will be available in your account at all times, and you will be able to download their certificates.
    2. We will also send all the prizes to your school so that you can organise the prize-giving ceremony.